7 valuable lessons I’ve learnt from surfing
1. When the waves are good, you must drop all plans and go for it. It's the same in life. Every day brings different opportunities, and the same opportunities probably won't come around again. Sometimes, you are in the right place at the right time. And when you are, you must go for it.
2. Always be looking for opportunities. If you're too busy looking around and worrying about what everyone else is doing, you'll miss the wave. You'll miss out on what is yours for the taking! The same can be said for your everyday life.
3. Mindset is everything. When I enter the water with a strong vision in my mind of what I’m capable of, I often surpass my expectations. It's simple. If you don't believe in your ability, you have zero chance of succeeding! Radically change your self-talk, and you’ll drastically change your outcome.
4. Commitment is key. Surfing has been one of my most mentally and physically challenging experiences. You have to think fast and act accordingly (there's no time to dilly-dally!). It's taught me to commit and take a chance, even when I'm not ready. The moment you hesitate in surfing is the moment you can find yourself in trouble.
5. Practice makes perfect. I spent an entire year committed to perfecting my pop-up. It was challenging and incredibly frustrating. How does everyone else make it look so damn effortless?! These days, it's like second nature. The key to excelling in anything is to practice, practice, practice.
6. To always be raising my own standard. When I first started surfing at Piha, I was terrified of the big waves and couldn't believe how brave the surfers were. Nowadays, the size doesn't scare me like it used to. If you feel scared of something, it might be time for you to push through the fear and do it anyway. The feeling on the other side is always worth it!
7. Lastly, I've learned how important it is to have fun. To laugh, smile, and not always takes things so seriously. If you're not enjoying the journey, then you certainly won't enjoy the destination!
Do any of these resonate with you?
- Eleanor x